Deploying a Runpod Runner

Deploying a Runpod Runner

Create a runpod GPU pod template like this:

Don’t use the version or arguments in the screenshot above, use the details below

Container image:<LATEST_TAG>

Where <LATEST_TAG> is the tag of the latest release in the form X.Y.Z from

You can also use X.Y.Z-small to use an image with Llama3-8B and Phi3-Mini pre-baked (llama3:instruct,phi3:instruct), or X.Y.Z-large for one with all our supported Ollama models pre-baked. Warning: the large image is large (over 100GB), but it saves you re-downloading the weights every time the container restarts! We recommend using X.Y.Z-small and setting the RUNTIME_OLLAMA_WARMUP_MODELS environment variable to llama3:instruct,phi3:instruct to get started (in the runpod UI), so the download isn’t too big. If you want to use other models in the interface, don’t specify RUNTIME_OLLAMA_WARMUP_MODELS environment variable, and it will use the defaults (all models).

Docker Command:

--api-host https://<YOUR_CONTROLPLANE_HOSTNAME> --api-token <RUNNER_TOKEN_FROM_ENV> --runner-id runpod-001 --memory <GPU_MEMORY>GB --allow-multiple-copies

Replace <RUNNER_TOKEN_FROM_ENV> and <GPU_MEMORY> accordingly. You might want to update the runner-id with a more descriptive name, and make sure it’s unique. That ID will show up in the helix dashboard at https://<YOUR_CONTROLPLANE_HOSTNAME>/dashboard for admin users.

Then start runners from your template, customizing the docker command accordingly.

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